UW Bothell

Dublin Core


UW Bothell

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UW Bothell Wetlands Tour
The 58-acre wetlands that cover nearly half the UW Bothell campus serve as a living laboratory for faculty and student research. The site is also one of the biggest wetlands restoration projects in the state of Washington. Here are a few scenes from…

“We Count” UW Bothell 2020 Census
Answers to just 10 questions will shape our lives for the next 10 years. Everyone counts - fill out the census today! #2020census

UW Bothell is proud to present this video that was created by the UW Bothell Census Committee made up of many…

COVID-19 Infrastructure in the UWB / CC Library
Plexiglass panels installed at the campus library information desk

Bookshelves at the UW Bothell / Cascadia College campus library
Bookshelves and a study area by the windows on the third floor of the campus library

UW Bothell / Cascadia College campus library reading room
The reading room at the campus library is a quiet study area

UW Bothell / Cascadia College campus library reading room
The reading room at the campus library is a quiet study area

UW Bothell campus library reading room
Outside view of the library's reading room showing the roof and windows

Crows flying to the UW Bothell campus in the evening
Thousands of crows fly to the UW Bothell campus, gather on the rooftops and trees and then roost in the nearby wetlands
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